Where to See Sharks in Aruba (Top 5 Places)

Many of us have heard of Aruba as being home to different shark species. The island country, which is located in the Caribbean Sea, is said to have the largest variety of sharks in the Dutch Caribbean islands.

In this article, we will reveal the top 5 places to see sharks while in Aruba.

The Top 5 Places to See Sharks in Aruba

1. Boca Catalina

Boca Catalina

The first place on our list is Boca Catalina. This is a popular snorkelling spot that is known for its iconic white sandy beach.

Boca Catalina is full of marine life, and chances of spotting a Caribbean reef shark are high. This shark is common in water shallower than 30 m, which is about 98 feet.

The best time to visit Boca Catalina for shark sightings is early in the morning when the waters are calm.

2. Punta Basora

Punta Basora Aruba

Punta Basora is another place to see sharks in Aruba. This area is perfect for diving and exploring underwater animals.

Another name for Punta Basora is Colorado Point. It is located on the eastern side of Aruba.

If you want to see sharks, Punta Basora is a place you want to check out. You might come across a nurse shark resting on the sandy seabed or hiding in crevices.

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For a better chance of sighting sharks in Punta Basora, go during the late afternoon. You will get a better view of the underwater landscape with the help of the sunlight.

3. Mangel Halto

Mangel Halto

Mangel Halto is known to have one of the best views of the reef and fish in Aruba. If you plan on going snorkelling, this is a top choice if you want to enjoy the view.

At Mangel Halto, you might find blacktip reef sharks since these shark species prefer shallow waters.

4. Isla di Ora

Isla di Ora

Isla di Ora is another great place to visit in Aruba. This vast wetland mangrove area is home to different species of marine life.

You might come across the hammerhead shark at Isla di Ora. These sharks have a T-shaped or hammer-like head, so you can easily spot them.

5. The Antilla Shipwreck

Antilla Shipwreck

The final destination on our list is the Antilla Shipwreck. This underwater site is located inside the water and is a sight to behold.

While exploring the Antilla Shipwreck, you will come across various marine life, which might include various shark species.

Divers at this location often reported sighting nurse sharks and occasionally tiger sharks. This is why locals and tourists swim at Baby Beach, a safer area.

Final Words

In this article, we have revealed the top 5 places with high chances of seeing sharks in Aruba. Although, as a shark enthusiast, Aruba might be a paradise, it is advisable not to go swimming alone.

In summary, where to see sharks in Aruba are Boca Catalina, the Antilla Shipwreck, Isla di Ora, Mangel Halto, and Punta Basora.

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Are sharks a concern in Aruba?

Shark attacks are generally rare in Aruba. Shark encounters in Aruba are generally safe, but also take caution and safety measures while swimming.

Where is the best place to see sharks?

In Aruba, the best places with higher chances of seeing sharks are Boca Catalina, Punta Basora, Mangel Halto, Isla di Ora, and the Antilla Shipwreck.

Where not to swim in Aruba?

It is advisable not to swim in the Boca Grandi Aruba waters due to the strong currents. Another place with strong currents is the north side of the island for those going to see the natural bridge.

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