Are Meerkats and Prairie Dogs Related?

Meerkats and prairie dogs are two animals that people confuse to be similar. This is due to their similarities in appearance and behaviour.

In this article, you will learn if Meerkats and Prairie Dogs are related. We will also share some similarities and differences with comparisons throughout the article.

Are Meerkats and Prairie Dogs Related?

Meerkats are not related to prairie dogs. Meerkats are related to the mongoose, while prairie dogs are burrowing ground squirrels.

Fun Fact: Meerkats are native to Africa, while Prairie Dogs are native to North America. These two animals do not live together as many people will assume.

Although Meerkats and Prairie Dogs are not related, they have some similarities that make people wonder why they are different.

Meerkat Information

Meerkats love sunbathimg

Genus: Suricata

Scientific Name: Suricata suricatta

Meerkats are small mongoose that are native to southern Africa, like Botswana, South Africa, and other countries in the region.

They can be identified by their light grey to yellowish-brown colour with dark bands on the back. Meerkats are highly social and live in groups called mobs. Each meerkat mob can reach up to 30 individuals.

Meerkats live in rock crevices and burrows in the Kalahari and surrounding regions.

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These little mammals are mostly insectivorous. Their diet primarily consists of beetles and lepidopterans, arthropods, amphibians, small birds, and plant material.

Prairie Dogs Information

Prairie Dog

Genus: Cynomys

Prairie dogs are herbivorous squirrel-like-looking mammals that are native to North America.

They are usually yellowish buff in colour with blackish hairs intermixed. Although prairie dogs will eat insects, their diet primarily consists of grass fruit, buds, and small seeds.

They live in burrows and are social animals. Large colonies are known as towns and may contain 15–26 family groups. This means over 100 prairie dogs can be found living together in the same area.

Similarities Between Meerkats and Prairie Dogs


Both meerkats and prairie dogs live in burrows to keep themselves safe from predators and the weather.

For meerkats, their burrow system can stretch out to 16 feet in diameter. There are many openings, so they can escape predators.

Meerkats and Prairie Dogs

Since prairie dogs have a larger population living together, their burrow system can spread out to over 100 feet long and 14 feet below the ground. They also have multiple openings in case of escape.

Social Life

Both meerkats and prairie dogs are extremely social. They all care for one another through constant grooming and other social behaviours.

Meerkats and prairie dogs have guards that alert the group of incoming danger.

Differences Between Meerkats and Prairie Dogs


Meerkats are found in the deserts of Africa, while prairie dogs are native to the grasslands of North America.


Both of these animals have a different diet preference. Meerkats are omnivores that love insects, while prairie dogs are strict herbivores.

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At this point, I believe the article has provided a clear answer to the question, ‘Are meerkats and prairie dogs related?’ Both of these animals are wonderful creatures that exhibit similar behaviours.

In summary, meerkats are not related to prairie dogs. A meerkat is a small mongoose, while prairie dogs are ground squirrels.

Both meerkats and prairie dogs burrow into the ground and live in large groups. Meerkats are found in southern Africa, while Prairie Dogs are native to North America.


What are prairie dogs related to?

Prairie dogs are related to squirrels. Although they look like Meerkats and have almost similar behaviours, they are not related.

Do meerkats and prairie dogs live in the same regions?

No, meerkats are native to southern Africa, while prairie dogs are found in North America.

What do meerkats and prairie dogs eat?

Meerkats are omnivores, eating insects, small mammals, and birds. Prairie dogs are herbivores, feeding on grasses, seeds, and roots.

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