Meerkats are one of the small animals that are found throughout southern Africa. These animals can survive in harsh and dry habitats.
Have you ever wondered what a meerkat sounds like? In this article, we will take a look at some meerkat sounds. You will also listen to different meerkat sounds in this article.
Meerkat Sounds
Just like many other animals, meerkats use sounds to communicate with each other. They make different sounds depending on the situation.
Here are some sounds meerkats make in the wild.
1. Morning Chatter
The name gives you an idea of how this sounds. The morning chatter is one of the first sounds you will hear as the sun rises over the Kalahari Desert.
You will hear this sound if you visit some southern African countries like Botswana, South Africa, and Namibia.
Meerkats make these continuous, high-pitched chirps that are meant to greet each other. You can say it is their version of saying, “Good morning, everyone!”
2. The Alarm Call
Many animals that live in the wild have a way to communicate when there is danger. For meerkats, the alarm call is how they alert others of predators like eagles, snakes, and jackals.
This is a sharp, high-pitched bark that sends the entire mob looking for cover.
3. The Purr Sound
Meerkats make a soft purring sound when they are excited. This sound can be heard from their burrows when they are grooming each other.
How Meerkats Communicate
Although meerkats are little animals, they have an effective communication system.
Meerkats live in groups known as “Mobs.” This group consists of 20 meerkats, and in some cases they might reach 50 in number.
There is always one member in every meerkat mob whose primary duty is to be a lookout. This member is known as the sentinel.
The sentinel is always on the lookout for danger while the others forage for food. They make a series of repetitive, high-pitched chirps to signal to the ground that everything is safe.
Once the sentinel spots danger, its chirp becomes more urgent, and this alerts the group to be cautious.
Listen to Meerkat Sounds
Play the video recording below to listen to different meerkat sounds.

For Movie Fans
Remember the popular animated character from Disney’s The Lion King movies and TV shows? He is a meerkat.
In the movie, he is known as Timon. The character of Timon is fictional, but it has helped raise awareness about Meerkats.
Final Words
In this article, we have revealed the seconds meerkats make. We have also provided a recording of meerkat sounds to help you listen to and identify them in the wild.
In summary, meerkats make different sounds like morning chatter, alarm calls, purring sounds, and the sentinel call. These animals make these sounds to communicate with each other and signal the group.
Why do meerkats make noise?
Meerkats make noise to alert and also communicate with each other.
Why do Meerkats chatter?
Yes, Meerkats chatter. They chatter throughout the day while communicating in the group.
What are meerkats afraid of?
Meerkats burrow into the ground to protect themselves from predators like birds of prey. Meerkats are afraid of birds, and they will look for cover if a bird is seen.

Hi, I’m Louis Ojibe, and I grew up around wildlife in Africa. I have always been fascinated by animals and nature across the world.
As a child, my parents used to take me to see wild animals like lions, elephants, gorillas, tortoises, and many others at our local zoo.